Oils & Emotions
The American Medical Association (AMA) states 80 percent of all health problems are stress related, and even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element. Research shows that DNA actually changes shape according to our thoughts. Experiencing and releasing emotions in a healthy way leads to a balanced mind, contributing to a healthier body and happier mind. 

Come learn how essential oils can affect your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and consequently your emotions in this online class! We'll meet at The Hen House 145 N 5th St. in Jacksonville, OR on April 3rd at 6:30 PM. 

I have ordered a new Zyto hand cradle and should have it available by then! Scans are $5, or free for those on mine or Bryta Ingram’s team!
