That's what I always think when I start to feel those chilly mornings and the tops of the trees begin to turn scarlet. A cup of hot coffee wrapped in a blanket on the back porch, pulling on a warm hoodie when the sun dips behind the hills, and seeing the beautiful colors of autumn intensify overnight--so many things to love about this time of year!
Along with those can come runny noses, little coughs, and sore throats...no fun! Make sure to keep your immune system healthy this season by avoiding sugar, eating lots of clean, whole foods, and of course using your essential oils!
This month's freebies have SO many uses! Check out the newsletter with diffuser recipes, kitchen recipes, product spotlight, news and more!

Alright let’s break down these promos to see what you get!

You’ll earn your normal 10-25% back in Loyalty Rewards, PLUS an additional bonus 10 LR points!

// PINE, 5ml, LR Bonus
// NUTMEG, 5ml, LR Bonus
+ Cinnamon Bark
Give me all the yummy fall diffuser blends with this oil. No scented candles needed for fall (or ever!!) when you have your diffuser and some oils. Supporting our bodies AND our homes smell ammmazing!
Here are some fall diffuser blend ideas with Cinnamon Bark:
FALL HARVEST - 1 drop Clove, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark and 4 drops Tangerine.
SNICKERDOODLE: (can I get an Amen?!) 5 drops Stress Away, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark.
PUMPKIN PIE: 5 drops Cinnamon bark, 1 drop Clove, 1 drop Nutmeg.
Soooo…. apparently the Cinnamon Bark aroma attracts wealth. I can’t promise dollar bills coming at you… but, why not?!!! Also a Vitality oil, this oil supports the circulatory system, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. Also a heavy hitter for stabilizing blood sugar levels! I know it’s too good to be true that something can be part of smelling like a cookie and good for your digestion but it’s real friends - and heck - free! WOOT!
+ Pine
We have been using a LOT of Pine, and really all and any tree, essential oils around here. If you hop on the good old DuckDuckGo and plug in some key words, you’ll find some really interesting research on pine needle tea and essential oils, and the compounds they contain. I haven’t dipped into the pine needle tea yet, but I am using all the tree oils I can. (Northern Lights Black Spruce, Idaho Blue Spruce, White Fir, White Light, Idaho Grand Fir, Believe)
We are diffusing them constantly, and I’ve made rollers for the kids to use daily down their spines and feet. I’ve added it to our wellness rollers too! Sometimes we add a lil oregano and copaiba too 

add oils to a 10ml roller and top with carrier oil
+ Nutmeg:
Another wonderful fall single that I have to talk about as a vitality oil because it is an adrenal support powerhouse! Around the holidays our adrenals can get taxed with later evenings, more sugar in the diet and added stress; place a drop under your tongue or swap a drop in the inside of your cheek and thank me later. This will give you some added energy for the day too. Also supports the production of melatonin - the hormone of SLEEP!! Good sleep = a supported immune system!! And I looove nutmeg in my holiday baking and holiday diffuser blends!

// COPAIBA, 5ml
+ Clove
This oil is the MOST concentrated antioxidant known with an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of over 1,000,000. By comparison the ORAC score for blueberries is only 2,400.
We’re talking serious immune system support! Since it also comes as a vitality, it’s wonderful to dilute and rub on the gums for oral health.

Fave for teething babes (1 tsp olive oil, 1 drop clove, 5 drops copaiba. add to a dropper bottle and rub a drop on gums as needed!)
Aromatically, Clove encourages sleep, stimulates dreams, and creates a sense of protection and courage, wonderful for the respiratory system.
+ Copaiba
Tooth or gum feeling sore? This is your BFF. This is a must have for teething babies too! I used to rub this neat (without carrier oil) right on sore gums, put a drop on a pacifier, or even use on a split lip or sore. This oil (also a vitality oil) is great for inflammation and supports intestinal and gut health! (Suffer from tummy troubles? You need this!) It helps the body as it flushes toxins!!! And fluids!! If you have a baby/are pregnant - EVERY single one of you mamas who births NEEDS to use this everyday. Helps keep the baby blues away, helps flush fluids, and helps support the body's recovery after birth. This is one of the key ingredients in Stress Away, so when you are feeling stressed, grab this oil, and apply it generously. This is such a good addition to your Ningxia Red too, or a drop under the tongue.

Oh man, this is a powerful supplement for so many areas!
- helps tremendously with energy
- powerful support for healthy hormones {including libido}
- absolutely awesome for a mood boost {
out dark cloud}

- excellent for heart health
- protects against EMFs & 5G
- really, really stellar for focus & memory
It contains:
- Spirulina: A source of chlorophyll & a magnesium-rich pigment that has been linked to improved energy and metabolism. Spirulina has been used as a tonic, purifier, and detoxifier. It targets the immune system, liver, kidneys, blood, intestinal flora, and cardiovascular systems.
- Barley grass juice concentrate: An antioxidant that is rich in minerals that supports the body’s response to inflammation and supports healthy skin, bones, and cholesterol levels
- Bee pollen: It is loaded with vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, and B vitamins. A powerful energizer by day and libido booster by night. {ohhhhhh, hey!} And a potential TMI tip: Ladies, if you struggle with dryness - bee pollen may be helpful.
- Eleuthero root: a.k.a “Siberian Ginseng Root” enhances physical and mental vitality and endurance
- L-arginine: An amino acid that facilitates circulation in the small capillaries of our tissues, allowing greater nutrient absorption and cellular metabolism.
- L-cystine: An amino acid that supports healthy liver function and hair.
- L-tyrosine: supports the formation of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.
- Choline bitartrate: there are some studies that have done using choline with Alzheimer’s patients - do some research and decide what you think. Choline is also extremely beneficial for the liver {and things that can go really wonky with the liver} and healthy cholesterol levels.
- Kelp: Contains iodine that supports thyroid health and estrogen balance.
- Melissa Essential Oil: supports the body’s response to inflammation, is energizing, and supports emotional balance - especially for those of us who get out-of-sorts a week before our cycle
- Lemon Essential Oil: supports healthy cholesterol levels and promotes healthy lymphatic {immune} function.
- Lemongrass Essential Oil: promotes digestion, kicks parasites out he back door, and supports the body’s response to inflammation
- Rosemary Essential Oil: helps keep candida in check and the endocrine system balanced
Take it daily or even open a capsule and put in your smoothie! (This is how my kids take it!)
// OCTOBER challenge! //
Ningxia Red is the one product that truly everyone needs. It has been clinically shown to increase energy and productivity, reduce stress, help you sleep, and improve immune and respiratory system function. To enter this giveaway - it’s simple - join our Ningxia Red Challenge group and learn all about it!
+ How do ya enter?
* Join Wellness & Purpose | Young Living - the code to enter in FALLWELLNESS